A Psalm of Exorcism

July 20, 2011

Go now, you snarling beast, return whence you came.

Know this: that Our Wounded God hath all power over you,

Alas, the sight of but one His wounds shall alight you into the

very depths of Hell.

You sneer wherever there is weakness, but know:

In weakness are Our People made strong.

You glee wherever sins reigns, but know:

Where sin aboundeth, grace aboundeth all the more.

You rejoice wherever God’s people suffer, but know ye:

That in suffering, we bear forth our Victor.

Our Pasch, you despise,

for we are not smote as the Firstborn of Egypt.

Yeah, he is Our Lord and armor, who delivereth Israel from

your hands.

He is Our Lord and right-hand, who giveth the Anointed of


Yeah, Our God who maketh his own Son into flesh; defeateth

you by flesh. By spilling of God’s own blood, you stand as slain.

Thus that which you tempted with Adam, bindeth you.

Know this beast: You cannot destroy the House of Elohim.

You cannot plunder His People.

You shall accuse them no more.